Exclusive Membership

With Coach Kebie


VIP Access 

Exclusive Group


  • Coach Kebie #CCC support and community 
  • Coach Kebie will provide LIVE discussions 
  • Archived Training (recorded)
  • Step-by-step tutorials (recorded)


On-Demand Training

4 Modules 

  • IC Spiritual Module to work those spiritual muscles and bring God in to the marketplace
  • IC Mindset Module for personal development to grow personally and professionally
  • IC Technical Module teaches technical skills any Business Owner building online should know and master
  • IC Social Media Module shares tips and training to promote yourself online without buying ads
Sign me up!


Monthly Trainings

Coach Kebie will record

  • Meet via zoom
  • Exclusive access to Q/A and collaboration
  • Recordings posted in VIP Facebook Group 
Let's do this!

What customers are saying...

“Some great stuff right here!” regarding IC Spiritual Module “I am so excited about this training. There is so much to dive in to from mindset, to social media to spiritual growth.”  

Sonia Fitzwater

“Social media is here to stay. Gain skill on how to promote yourself online. I can't wait to hear and learn more.” “Also, Mindset training is something we all need and must realize the change doesn't happen overnight. After watching the training on GRIT, it means Getting Ready and Intentional to Thrive to me!”

Dana Taylor Bell

“I had never really thought about blogging before. Interesting points and this really gets my wheels spinning in my head. Thank you Kebie!”

Jane Garvison