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It is time to move offline and build a platform you own!

Uncategorized May 26, 2023

Carole completed the Accelerator Workshop!  Carole is a Certified Health Coach, Fitness Instructor and a network marketer. She loves health and wellness and serving her Customers and Clients. Carole has a Group on Facebook that she has dumped her brains and soul in to, and wanted a place she owned in case groups were turned off. She also has witnessed being locked out of groups and glitchy things on Facebook. Carole was looking to for a software that she could own her own space, build her contacts and actually understand how to do it.  The Accelerator Workshop made sense to her. Carole is also excited about her newsletters, opt in campaigns and building her group coaching programs. Carole shared with me she is going to be offering courses through her platform to be able to work with Clients all around the world, and she is so excited.


Congrats Carole Nier!


Lei completed the Accelerator Workshop and has partnered with me in the Mastermind. Lei is a network marketer and she is exporting her contacts from social media and other email sources in to her platform she owns. She understands that if META or IG goes away or locks her out, she is dead in the water with her contact list. Lei wants to serve her Clients through newsletters and create community that mimics Facebook Groups, so she can build off of social media. Lei also has a few courses she wants to roll out as well, being an Accountant for many years, she has so much to offer. She sees the vision and understands social media is changing. She told me she wants to own her data and does not want to rely on someone to build her platforms. 

Congrats Lei Cubi! 


Meka is a nurse, networker and owns multiple Business's. She understands the value of owing your own platform and more importantly, how to have a strategic plan to build. Meka believes in training; she is a trainer and will tell you investing in yourself is the best thing you can do for your Business and mindset. Meka plans to roll out a Leadership Academy and wanted a professional platform to do it with. She understands creating her contact list and serving her clients in a community and space (software) she owns. Meka partnered with me in Accelerator and plans to build an array of Leadership Courses over the next year.


Congrats Dr. Meka Douthit Ingram! 


Dr. Rick understands investing in his Business. During the day, he is a successful Urologist and by the evening he is growing his Affiliate Business. Dr. Rick is also a published Author, launching his new series Bible Kitties in 2023. Dr. Rick has his hands in many Business's; from Investment Properties, to his own product line "PF Young" to launching courses that will help people with their health and wellness, and more to come. Dr. Rick actually hired me to build his kajabi platform. Some people are too busy to build, manage data etc ... so they invest in their Business by having people they trust help them. Currently, the focus is migrating his contact list in to kajabi. We are building his email list for newsletters from multiple Business's. Dr. Rick plans on launching courses as well, sharing his expertise as a Urologist. Check out Dr. Rick's latest book:

Congrats Dr. Rick Mynatt! 




Jane is a Certified Health Coach and Network Marketer. She focuses on health and wellness and is excited about building her courses. Jane has completed the Accelerator Workshop and has continued in the Mastermind for the 90 day build. She will be finishing her website, online courses and she is very excited about rolling out her newsletter subscription called "Health, Tricks, Tips and Truth." You can join her newsletter here:

Jane is very excited to serve her networks rolling out her platform. 

Congrats Coach Jane Garvison! 




Coach Darrell Price understands investing in his Business. Coach Price works along side with Dr. Megan Stone as Life and Health Coach: in their Functional Medicine Business. Coach Darrell also coaches and facilitates Journey To Happiness with the Seniors Group, and he Co-Coaches and facilities 3 courses with Coach Kebie: The Four Agreements Journey and Journey Into Happiness, and The Fifth Agreement Journey. Coach Price and I built his website together and we had so much fun doing it. Coach Darrell learned to DO IT so he could manage his own data; heck we both learned together and had many laughs. I am grateful for the experience! This is his amazing website: 

Coach Darrell will be adding all of his courses on demand to his platform this year. 

Congrats Coach Darrell Price! 


Ricci completed the Accelerator Workshop and is headed in to the Mastermind to build her website, assessments and newsletters. Ricci is a network marketer and does graphic design. Ricci knows the importance of having a professional platform that is catchy and also designed properly. She wanted to learn to build and create her own stuff, and she realizes that social media platforms own her creations and intellectual property. Ricci is very innovative and is excited about creating her subscription newsletter and building her community. She told me building kajabi allowed her to create and design, which she loves doing. Ricci is excited about the graphic design part of this build, and she plans on helping people create their logos and thumbnails. Check this out

Congrats Ricci Hernandez!



Lori completed the Accelerator Workshop and is continuing her training in to the Mastermind. She plans on building her website, creating newsletters and rolling out courses for Project Managers. Lori has over 30 years in Property Management and is excited to have her training available on demand. Lori is also a network marketer and will use her platform to send valuable newsletters on health and wellness and build her contact lists off of social media. Lori understands that social media is for gaining leads and attraction marketing, and we need to own the platforms where we serve our customers and clients. Lori values customer service. 

Congrats Lori Kozielski! 



Wanda completed the Accelerator Workshop and is continuing her training in to the Mastermind. She plans on building her website, creating newsletter around growing your own food and health and wellness and rolling out courses that will help people grow a garden. Wanda is excited about her garden and canning courses, and there is lots to come in this package. Wanda is also a published Author and plans on writing another book. She will use this platform to create a subscription list and share value to her following. Wanda is also a network marketer and will use her platform to create newsletters and contact lists. Wanda is not leaving her fate in the hands of other social media platforms she does not own. She understands building her own website and securing her intellectual knowledge. Click here for her book "Growing Up Mennonite:"


Congrats Wanda Kyle! 



Dana completed the Accelerator Workshop and has partnered with me in the Mastermind. Dana is a network marketer and she is excited about creating a valuable newsletter for her subscribers on DIY, tips and tricks on home remedies. Dana loves health and wellness. She and her daughter has a bath bomb, and scrub line. Dana is also a network marketer and believes in multiple streams of income. Dana will be exporting her contacts from Facebook and InstaGram in to her platform. She understands that social media is changing, and Dana always invests in herself to keep up her skill. Dana told me any course offered by the #CCC she is committing to, because she knows the value of personal development and increasing skill sets.

Congrats Dana Taylor Bell! 




Do not wait! Let's learn and build together. Join me in the Accelerator Workshop!


Hugs and hustle,


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